our family's adventures in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

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Village Hospitality and Language Progression

This post has been sitting in my “draft” box for several months now, but better late than never right?

We had such a wonderful week in the village! Our first day we arrived, we unpacked our belongings and were greeted warmly by many neighbors. Muluka took me around part of the village the following day to greet people. I was very impressed the entire time with how well Muluka and Daoud hosted us. She shared food with us several times, took me to visit and meet village women, came to visit with me several evenings after dinner, offered cultural advice, and just generally made me feel very much welcomed and cared for. Daoud was faithful to check in several times during the day to make sure we were cared for and had what we needed. He is also clearly concerned that the village accepts us and that we feel welcomed.

Pounding millet for dinner

Visiting with the women provided much encouragement for me. When we were first introduced to this village two years ago, I was only at the beginning of my Makai language studies and was unable to converse to any extent with them. Now, I still have a long way to go to increase my vocabulary and clean up my grammar, but I can have conversations, make some jokes, ask and answer questions, and just generally enjoy visiting with them. They, too, recognized the growth in ability, which was encouraging for me. I also connected with multiple close relatives of people I know here in Abeche, which was also special.

Words, Worldview and the Gospel

When Chadian Muslims ask forgiveness from someone they have wronged, they use a word which we would translate in English as “forgive me.” Embedded in their request for forgiveness from the offending party is a strong sense that God has forgiven them, whether or not the offended party forgives.

The Arabic words for “sin” against God and “error” against man are two different ideas. Biblically, when we sin against our brother, as Psalm 51 shows us, we are ultimately, primarily sinning against God and His law. In Muslim thinking, an “error” against their friend or brother is not necessarily seen as a sin against God.

It is hugely important to communicate to our new believing friends as well as to those we are sharing the Gospel with that when we speak of sin, we are speaking of the big and little things – all are against a Holy God. If I use the Arabic word “zanib”, translated in English as “sin”, with the average Chadian Muslim without explanation they will not understand it in a biblical sense. I may assume they’re understanding me, and they will probably say they are if asked, but they aren’t. For one thing, Islam rejects the idea of original sin. And as long as they haven’t committed the “big sins” (murder, adultery, blasphemy, etc) they’re doing ok. The petty stealing, lying, gossiping, and other fruits of the sinful nature are not that big of a deal. These “errors” are not seen as offenses against the Holy God of the Scriptures. If they don’t understand sin as the Bible describes, then God’s love and mercy, His holiness and justice, in fact, all the gifts he bestows on us through Christ, frankly are not such “Good News” after all. In order to understand this Gospel, they must understand the Biblical definition of sin.

Why spend this much time in language learning? We can’t afford not to! We can’t afford to spend our energy sharing, assuming they’ve understood us, when they really haven’t. The Gospel is too precious. We don’t continue learning language because we’re good at it, or even because we like it. We press forward in order to understand the nuances of the language, religion, and culture so that we can communicate very clearly the richness of the Gospel we are seeking to proclaim.

Would you pray for us to learn to communicate the Gospel clearly? Would you also pray that we would find a homeschool helper/nanny to return to Chad with us next year to allow Kimberly to focus full-time on language for 1-2 more years?

Looking down the road

The past few months have involved prayer and discussion about our future ministry. Our stated goal is seeing churches planted among the Maba people. This is the lens through which we evaluate all of our decisions and activities. Will it further this work? We must say “No” to many good things in order to pursue this one thing well.
The most important activity right now, the one that lays the foundation for all others in the pursuit of this goal is learning the Arabic and Maba languages. God in his infinite wisdom has chosen to save people through the sharing of a message, one that involves sounds, words, sentences, etc. Our God is a communicator, and in representing him to the nations to which we have been sent we must also seek to be skilled communicators. Communication of a message necessarily involves language, and language cannot be separated from the culture in which it exists and from which it evolved. So to communicate this critical message, the first and foremost activity for the cross-cultural (e.g. cross language-barrier) worker must be language/culture learning. “Well, duh,” you may say. And indeed, this was widely assumed by earlier generations of missionaries. The William Careys and Adoniram Judsons spent years getting fluent in the languages of their people. But it is no longer assumed today. Most workers it seems commit to a year or two of half-hearted language learning with many other activities serving as distractions. Methodologies promising rapid multiplication that don’t rely on the communication ability of the missionary abound. And indeed it is a great temptation, one we feel, but one which must be overcome if we are to communicate the gospel clearly, disciple new converts thoroughly, and defend the young church from error and heresy.

This is why we continue with formal language learning long after many of our colleagues have moved on to bigger and better things. And this is why, as we’ve considered the next several years of Maba language learning, we’re now considering moving out of our large town to a smaller town or village that will enable us to have more concentrated language practice. We’ve realized that in our current town we will have to work hard to find Maba people to talk to because there are so many other groups here as well. But, to learn Maba well, wouldn’t it be much easier being in a place with a higher concentration of Maba people, where we could use Maba in the market and on the street and not just in our lessons? That is the question we’re asking ourselves.

It’s with that question in mind that Josh recently took a trip to a smaller town with a much higher concentration of Maba people. This is a town we’ve visited many times before, but this trip was for the specific purpose of gathering information about a potential move there. Josh traveled with some friends from another org, one of which is considering a move to the same town for many of the same reasons.

The trip was just an overnight trip, four hours from our current town, but it was very productive. We searched the market and made notes of what things are available daily, what things only once a week (on “market day”) and what things are not available at all. We observed materials available for building (fired bricks, sheets of tin, concrete, etc.). We asked about water availability, travel to and from the town during rainy season, security issues, and more. We found out there is an old airstrip that has been abandoned for years. We drove to the edge of town and looked at it and it seems it could be made usable for MAFs Cessna Caravan 208 without too much effort or expense. We also spent time with the small church (made up of southern Chadians working as teachers or nurses in this town far from home). It seems like this town might be just the right size to allow us to live relatively comfortably while still being in the middle of Maba-speaking people.

Would you pray for us that we would have wisdom in this decision? We wouldn’t plan to move anywhere until after our next home assignment, which will start sometime next May. But there will be much planning and preparation to be done between now and then if we decide to make the move.

My Evolving View of Language Learning

When I first became a missionary, my view of language learning was somewhat nebulous since I had never seriously studied a language before (high school and college Spanish doesn’t count). I had never committed my life for an agreed-upon time frame to studying day in and day out for the purpose of speaking and being understood, listening and comprehending. My first missionary assignment required that I spend my first year studying the local language. I was single, so that task came with few inconveniences or distractions. After my year was up, my given job was to be a rural evangelist. My experience was that although I had invested a long year of diligent study, I passed my sending agency’s required language evaluation, and many people in the local community told me I spoke well, I still had to put in long hours each week of translating words and ideas into the local language before I could take a Bible story to a group of village women. Then, because my language was “good” but still very amateur, I always traveled with a local believing friend to help me re-tell the story and participate in the follow-up discussion so I knew things were communicated well. Each time I did this, the women always positively affirmed what they were hearing. However, I had enough cultural teaching beforehand to assure me that they were most likely “saving face” – that is, keeping the peace and treating me respectfully to my face but questioning or disbelieving my message once I left town.

Fast-forward three languages. Josh and I spend a year learning basic French with a splash of Biblical vocabulary thrown in. This was mainly so we could navigate our way through government bureaucracy in the Chadian capital and interact with the Chadian church.  Then, I spent a few years getting a little more than halfway through a six-phase language learning method with Chadian Arabic. Josh has continued on and well surpassed me in that endeavor. (Maybe it will require another blog post to explain that reasoning.) I am at a point where many people tell me my language is really good. I am also at a point where I realize how much I don’t know. I have learned that people will tell me my language is really good because they are pleased to hear a white person speaking their language, but this cannot be my measuring stick for a job completed.

Now I have just begun, God willing, a life-long endeavor learning to communicate well in the Maba language. What has changed? How did I go from investing one year in my first language on my first missionary assignment to committing to a life of learning the Maba language? Certainly, several factors have influenced the decision Josh and I have made to invest significantly on the front-end of our ministry career in learning language well.

One reason is that we have come to understand that the value of the gospel message is worth our efforts to put in the hard work of language study up front so that when people hear us communicate precious truths of Scripture, we are communicating them in a manner worthy of the message being presented. We have a treasure to share with our neighbors, but we don’t want to sound like my toddler when we try to tell them this good news. We seek to present the gospel message, as well as do discipleship, with clarity. Communication in a foreign language and across a huge cultural barrier is not a trivial matter. We are concerned with both the words we say as well as their connotation and the way they’re understood in the minds of the hearers. In an Islamic society, this is further complicated by the Islamic corruption of the biblical narrative and biblical terminology, so that what words like “grace” or “sin” or “heaven” mean to us are not necessarily the same as what they mean to a Chadian Muslim. So we devote ourselves to the tedious task of achieving language proficiency in order to, like the Apostle Paul, “declare the mystery of Christ,” to “make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.” (Col. 4:3-4)

Another factor is that from my own experience and from observation, it makes a lot more work for us in the long run if we have to constantly prepare not only the content of our messages but also the language translation each time, we plan to go share with someone. It was painful to spend that amount of time hoping I had the right words and phrases. There was always a nudging sense of doubt that something was only half-communicated. How did I know if the valuable message I was sharing was actually the message that my friends were hearing? This is not something that can be learned in one year of language study.

Another significant reason we choose to invest more time learning language is because over time we have come to understand and appreciate the entirety of the Great Commission. We are not in eastern Chad just to make converts and leave them to flounder on their own, producing fledgling churches that are not grounded in the Word, but are instead tossed to and fro. No! We are here to obey the words of the Great Commission that say, “Go and make disciples…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” How can we obey Jesus’ command to us if we have only a half-knowledge of the language and we are chopping up the language or wondering if we actually communicated clearly the message we are hoping to communicate? How can we discuss deep spiritual truths with a novice understanding of language and culture?

Friends, thank you for standing with us and persevering alongside us in your prayers, support, and encouragement of this ministry. For years, our updates to you have been mostly about more language learning instead of more converts. I assure you that the convictions we have come to regarding language learning are currently unpopular in many missionary circles, probably because it doesn’t result in quick converts and exciting stories. However, in missions history, we see many examples of men and women in invested years of language learning up front before they were able to engage in strong ministries amongst indigenous people which resulted in biblically sound churches. Thank you for your commitment to stand with us as we seek to honor the Lord in the way that we hope will communicate the precious truths of the gospel as well as disciple believers to maturity in the Christian faith.

Learning Maba

Very recently, I made the decision to start learning the Maba language. I have to say, I was not initially excited. This will be my fourth foreign language to learn, not counting high school and college Spanish. For good reason, I have felt ready to be finished learning languages. Did I really have time to add space in my schedule to learn Maba? I did not enjoy learning Chadian Arabic. When I began, I was still new to the culture, new to the method of language learning we chose to use, and I was learning in the afternoons when temperatures were rising.  It was a challenging experience which still evokes negative emotions in me.

Getting started with Maba

The drudgery of learning a foreign language and achieving the level we need to reach in order to effectively communicate the gospel to the Maba people is a large commitment to make. So, as I became convinced I should study Maba if we were going to do what we say we want to do – plant churches amongst the Maba people – I simultaneously began questioning whether it was worth it and whether God was worth me investing years more of my intellect and time. I was scared to ask myself that question.

The reality is, since we have already given up so much in moving to eastern Chad and learning French and Arabic (not even reaching a level where we feel we could effectively disciple someone), you and all our supporters think we are doing a great job. Why should we continue even farther? Why not just stop here and stay in a place of comfort since we get so much positive feedback from you? The motivation for investing years more in even further language study can only be that God is enough and that He is worth it.

So, in a place of honesty before the Lord, admitting to Him I didn’t know if I believed He was worth it, He graciously reminded me of His love for me and His presence with me. For so long, I have tried to obediently live out the Great Commission, but I often disregard Jesus’ last phrase, “And lo, I am with you always.” Through His word and through the testimonies of others who have gone before us, God comforted me that He is with me as I enter this season of learning the Maba language. He has changed my heart, and I am encouraged and sincerely joyful to have the honor of learning a language that only one other worker is currently learning. What a privilege it is for me to get to be one of the first to bring the gospel to women who otherwise will never hear the good news of the Gospel!

Throughout the world, reports of Muslims are coming to faith, but the truth is, it is mostly men who are believing. How are the women going to hear if only missionary husbands learn the languages these unreached people groups are speaking? Mothers have so many home responsibilities that it is only by much sacrifice that we will learn to speak the heart language of the people we are trying to reach. But I have decided it is worth it and that God is worth it.

Praise God with me for His comfort and reminders that He is with me and that He is worthy of my life poured out for the Maba people.

Pray for our family as Josh homeschools the boys part time in order to allow me time to study the language.

Pray for perseverance and continued encouragement in language learning.

Pray mostly for the Maba people to have hearts prepared to hear and respond to the Gospel when they hear.

Crazy Few Months…

We knew we hadn’t blogged in awhile, but has it really been three months? So much has happened, so many things we’ve wanted to share, but life has been a bit crazy. We’ve traveled as a team to a town several hours south to explore ministry opportunities, we’ve celebrated Calla Grace’s one year birthday, we’ve seen off one teammate (Danielle) and welcomed back others (Keith, Tricia and kids). We’ve had some ups, some downs, and lots of just plugging along seeking to learn language and better understand how to share the gospel with these precious people.

Hopefully now we can make some time to share some of what God is doing out here in the East.

may Christ be exalted,

Josh & Kimberly

“I Believe Jesus is Truth”

Thank you for praying for M., my language helper. In recent weeks, we have had some wonderful conversations and I see God answering our prayers for her!

We are still going through the Jesus Storybook Bible, and we are nearing the end. Last week, M was confronted with the deity of Jesus as we translated and discussed the story of Him calming the storm. It provided an opportunity for her to open up to me and share that she loves what she is learning about Jesus. She said she wants to believe in who the Bible says He is and “join” us but recognizes it means leaving her family’s teaching behind. I shared some more Scripture with her over the days following that conversation, prayed with her, and encouraged her.

Again today, I had another opportunity to talk to her, and she says that she believes what she is learning about Jesus is true and that His claim that He can forgive sins is true. Again, she expressed that she is scared to tell her family and I reassured her that her work for now is to search the Scriptures and believe what is true. We talked about how this belief will change her heart and her life and what that might look like.

Pray for God to give M faith to believe beyond a doubt. Pray for her to feel convicted of her sinfulness and to fall more in love with this Savior! Pray also that she will desire to read/hear/study the Word of God more fully and desire to meet with others who follow Jesus. Pray that her heart will be like the good soil of Matthew 13, producing much fruit.

Learning Language, Sharing Jesus

I have been using the French version of the Jesus Storybook Bible for two months now in my Arabic studies. My language partner translates the stories into Arabic; then we listen together, stopping for clarification on  new words and phrases. This has helped me immensely in increasing my vocabulary. It also provides many opportunities to share Bible stories with my language helper and discuss the significance of the stories in our own lives.

Now halfway through the book, we just began the stories from the New Testament this week. We have translated and discussed the story of the angel Gabriel announcing God’s plan for her to give birth to the Savior; the story of the birth of Jesus; and the story of the shepherds coming to see the new baby. There is always discussion and clarification of things she has heard that are incorrect or halfway true. Many times I get to see “lightbulbs” going off in her head (and hopefully her heart).

Pray with me that M. (my language helper) will fall in love with Jesus as we continue to talk about the Truth she is presented with.

Pray that she will desire to read the stories in their entirety in the Arabic New Testament and search out Truth for herself.

Pray that God will convict her of her sinfulness, her need for a Savior, and her desperate need to believe in this Jesus who is God’s plan for salvation from the beginning of time.

Kid’s Corner: Learning Arabic

Isaac went visiting for “Eid” (the holiday celebrating the end of the fasting month) this week and had many opportunities to greet Chadian friends. He came home and told me he wants to learn Arabic “faster” because he doesn’t always know how to respond when people talk to him.

I am encouraged by his desire to know more Arabic! When we arrived in Chad over 1 1/2 years ago, Isaac and Judah would look down at their feet if someone greeted them. After having a weekly children’s class with their English-speaking friends for the past year, they have learned basic greetings, actions, and some vocabulary. It has been a great boost for their confidence in speaking and interacting in the language; but, clearly, they need more.

Starting next week, we will let Isaac (and possibly Judah) have a short lesson for 15-20 minutes three times a week with my language helper after his school time with me and before I start my lessons. Hopefully, he will enjoy this time and be motivated to continue learning more and more!!

Sharing Scripture



“Amy” with Calla Grace


I have two language partners:

The first one is currently in my living room translating the Jesus Storybook Bible into Arabic for me to learn new words.

The second language helper, “Amy” practices a strict form of Islam. She has been my friend and language helper since January, and I was uncertain of how our relationship would go. Honestly, I was a little fearful. However, she has turned out to be a good friend; has been the key to many other relationships in my neighborhood; and has frequently conversed about spiritual things with me.

Recently, she shared with me that she has an “injil“- a New Testament – in Arabic. She told me she received it from a man at the hospital four years ago. The man is no longer in town, but she kept the injiil and says that she has read some about Jesus. I was interested in seeing the injiil but didn’t want to rush into anything with her, so I waited. Yesterday she brought it up again in the context of much spiritual and religious conversation and expressed interest in reading it with me.

So, after Ramadan ends next week, we will plan to start reading God’s Word together. I am excited and humbled. Pray for me to have wisdom to know how to answer questions and explain clearly, and pray that God will use His Word to change “Amy’s” heart.

(I also have one more neighbor who is interested in seeing what books I have in Arabic. I am praying that she will come look at them, and desire to read some with me from Genesis or Matthew. You can pray for her too! Thanks!)

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