our family's adventures in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

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Locusts and Prayers for the Dead

This was from our trip back in December, just getting around to posting about it…

Boys show off their locust collection

On Friday, I wanted to go greet again in different homes around the village, but there were no women to be found! Overnight there had been a swarm (plague!) of locusts that camped out in all the surrounding trees. In the morning, we saw evidence of their arrival by the small droppings they left under the trees they had made temporary homes in. I found out a little while after I woke up that all the women had gone into the fields to catch the locusts. Fried locusts are a special, healthy, free treat enjoyed by young and old when they surprisingly show up. It’s an opportunity not to be missed! Our kids also got in on the fun closer to home by catching as many as they could hold in a little plastic bag.  

In the late afternoon, I attended a gathering underneath the village tree with all the women. They were making special food to share around in memory of a young man who died a year ago in the desert while searching for gold. Islamic practice is for the men to recite the Quran and say prayers at the mosque for the dead person on the year anniversary of a person’s death. I shared a meal with the ladies which was an experience. Isaac came looking for me, but we were all gathered around our separate trays of food with large pieces of fabric covering our heads. Imagine kids sitting underneath a parachute with the top cut out! Makai tradition prevents certain family relations to eat in front of other family relations, such as a daughter in law in front of her mother-in-law. Because almost everyone is inter-related in the village, every one of us covered up! Isaac had no idea where to begin looking for me when he walked up to 10 or so groups of women all covered!

Eid al-Adha 2021

Recently our friends and neighbors celebrated the second of the two big holidays in the Muslim world. The first is Eid al-Fitr, which celebrates the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. The second, Eid al-Adha, comes a little more than 2 months later and celebrates the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael. As with many of the Islamic versions of the stories of the patriarchs, prophets and even Jesus – the names are the same and even some details are shared but the overarching narrative of redemptive history is hollowed out and only a shell remains.

Eid al-Adha on Wikipedia

Anyway, for us it’s a chance to visit friends and neighbors and learn more about the significance of this holiday in their eyes. We have opportunities to ask questions and better understand the worldview of people here so that we can more clearly present the gospel. And for our kids, it’s a bit like Halloween because they go from house to house and get candy, treats and even coins. They don’t dress up in costumes but they do dress up in new fancy clothes…

Words, Worldview and the Gospel

When Chadian Muslims ask forgiveness from someone they have wronged, they use a word which we would translate in English as “forgive me.” Embedded in their request for forgiveness from the offending party is a strong sense that God has forgiven them, whether or not the offended party forgives.

The Arabic words for “sin” against God and “error” against man are two different ideas. Biblically, when we sin against our brother, as Psalm 51 shows us, we are ultimately, primarily sinning against God and His law. In Muslim thinking, an “error” against their friend or brother is not necessarily seen as a sin against God.

It is hugely important to communicate to our new believing friends as well as to those we are sharing the Gospel with that when we speak of sin, we are speaking of the big and little things – all are against a Holy God. If I use the Arabic word “zanib”, translated in English as “sin”, with the average Chadian Muslim without explanation they will not understand it in a biblical sense. I may assume they’re understanding me, and they will probably say they are if asked, but they aren’t. For one thing, Islam rejects the idea of original sin. And as long as they haven’t committed the “big sins” (murder, adultery, blasphemy, etc) they’re doing ok. The petty stealing, lying, gossiping, and other fruits of the sinful nature are not that big of a deal. These “errors” are not seen as offenses against the Holy God of the Scriptures. If they don’t understand sin as the Bible describes, then God’s love and mercy, His holiness and justice, in fact, all the gifts he bestows on us through Christ, frankly are not such “Good News” after all. In order to understand this Gospel, they must understand the Biblical definition of sin.

Why spend this much time in language learning? We can’t afford not to! We can’t afford to spend our energy sharing, assuming they’ve understood us, when they really haven’t. The Gospel is too precious. We don’t continue learning language because we’re good at it, or even because we like it. We press forward in order to understand the nuances of the language, religion, and culture so that we can communicate very clearly the richness of the Gospel we are seeking to proclaim.

Would you pray for us to learn to communicate the Gospel clearly? Would you also pray that we would find a homeschool helper/nanny to return to Chad with us next year to allow Kimberly to focus full-time on language for 1-2 more years?


“Emmanuel” had just graduated from an Islamic school, having memorized the entire Qur’an, when he visited his cousin, one of my good friends and a Muslim-background believer (MBB). He wasn’t satisfied with what he had learned and said the Qur’an doesn’t have any help for him. My friend “Daniel” told him he could study the New Testament with him, but that if he’s looking for money or worldly things he wouldn’t find them there either. But Daniel told him that he could show him the way to eternal life, and that it was only found in Jesus. Emmanuel took a New Testament to read and came back a few hours later offended by what he had read. “How could you abandon the religion of our fathers?” Daniel simply told him it was the truth, and that he should keep reading. Emmanuel continued to read and discuss with Daniel what he was reading. They discussed how it could be possible for God to have a son, and that his son could become a man. This is a blasphemous thought to Muslims, and is explicitly denied in the Qur’an. They discussed the prophethood of Mohammed and how he compared with Jesus. Emmanuel became convinced that Mohammed was not sent by God and that Jesus was the best and final prophet. He professed faith in Christ and a desire to follow Christ.

Despite Daniel’s admonitions to Emmanuel to avoid confrontations with the Muslim community until he is well founded in his faith, Emmanuel immediately went out and began sharing publicly that Mohammed was not sent by God and that Jesus is superior in every way. This caused an incredible stir in the community as the news got out that a young man who had just completed memorizing the Qur’an has converted to Christianity. He was taken by force back to the Islamic school where he had studied, and the Sheikh there tried to figure out what had gone wrong. He decided that it was because he had only learned the Qur’an, and not the Hadiths (sayings and doings of Mohammed) so he set about trying to complete the education. After the futility of this became apparent, Emmanuel was taken to the central mosque in the town. He was set before the religious leaders of the town and told to take the Islamic oath, or shahada – “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.” This is where he caved, and in his weakness he took the oath. The pressure immediately subsided and he was set free, although under close watch of his family.

Emmanuel’s conversion brought shame to his family, and it was their job to remove the shame. It’s often the family who are the most hostile to a new convert, and this case was no different. They fully supported the proceedings against Emmanuel. His brother attempted to attack Daniel with a knife, but was prevented by another missionary who stepped in. Emmanuel was forbidden to see Daniel, though he managed to get him a letter expressing his grief and regret at having betrayed Christ as well as Daniel. He seemed to still believe, to still want to follow Christ, but was at a loss at how to proceed because of the swift and overwhelming force applied by the community against him. After a quiet few weeks, he left town to find work.

Emmanuel’s education in the Islamic school and his memorization of the Qur’an qualified him to work as a “faqi” – something like a combination between religious teacher and witchdoctor. When he fled he went to live with another faqi, several hundred kilometers from his hometown. Not having any other way to support himself, he began doing the work he was trained for. People would come with a problem and for a fee he would intercede on their behalf with God. He would pray for them, and he might write some Qur’anic verses on a special board, wash them off, and have the person drink the water. Or if the problem was fear of evil spirits or the “Evil Eye”, he might write the verses on paper, sew up the paper into a leather pouch, and the person would wear the pouch on their body for protection. It’s quite a lucrative business capitalizing on the fear that is ubiquitous here.

During this time, he also met a Christian from the southern part of Chad who was working as a nurse in the town. He confided in this new friend, sharing his story and his struggles, and they prayed and read the Bible together. He fluctuated between wanting to follow what he now believed was true and the allure of a life of relative ease, wealth, and approval of man.

Fortunately though, the story doesn’t end there. I recently took a trip with Daniel and some pastors from southern Chad and in the providence of God we ended up in a town not too far away from where Emmanuel is living. Daniel was able to get in touch with him and encourage him to come spend a day or two with us. He found a truck that was headed our way, and for a small fee they gave him a ride. He arrived in a nearby town around midnight and walked the remaining 10-15km to where we were staying. The next day, Sunday, he attended church with us. Daniel spent most of the day sharing with him, reading the Bible with him and praying with him. That evening, a group of us gathered to encourage him and pray for him. The Secretary General of the denomination was with us, and pastors and missionaries from all over Chad. He shared with us that he still believes, and that he’s struggling but that he wants to follow Jesus. He confessed the sins he’s struggling with. He said he wants to find another way to make a living and was considering fleeing to a town where he’s unknown. Daniel and the pastors encouraged him to stay and be a light where he’s at, because running isn’t the solution. They encouraged him with Daniel’s story of persevering under persecution and remaining in his community to be a light. He agreed that this was best and after circling around him and praying for him, we parted ways.

Yesterday I heard from Daniel that Emmanuel called him, and that he quit his work as a faqi because he “didn’t want to be in the Devil’s shadow anymore.”

Pray for Emmanuel. There are many unknowns, and he is still a “baby” in the faith. His worldview is still influenced by Islam in so many ways. These things don’t change overnight, but by the Spirit of God they do change for those who are his. Pray that he will find work. Pray that he will grow in his faith through reading scripture and that he will find ways to have fellowship with other believers. Praise God for his plan to call a new people to himself from every ethnic group on earth. He is working his plan, and will complete it, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable opposition. And he will get the glory.

Slavery of Fear

Recently The Gospel Coalition launched their Africa site, where reformed theologians, pastors and elders from all over Africa contribute posts dealing with issues and concerns unique to this part of the world. Of course, not all the issues African Christians face are unique, but some definitely are. One of those issues is the fear/power dynamic. The traditional African worldview is one of fear, and African religion provides a means of gaining power over those sources of fear – the spirit world, ancestors, and other people. The most powerful people in African society are often the local witchdoctors, who (for a fee) promise all kinds of power to the fearful individual. Children are believed to be especially vulnerable to evil spirits (and the high rate of infant mortality, mostly from preventable causes, doesn’t help here).

But isn’t Chad majority Muslim?

Of course in Chad, and across the entire continent of Africa north of about the 10th Parallel (10⁰ North of the Equator), Islam is the dominant religion. But Islam, primarily spread by the sword, cannot deal with underlying heart issues. One becomes a Muslim by repeating the shahada, literally the “testimony” that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. Issues of the heart are secondary, at best, to the 5 “pillars” of Islam: the shahada, the 5 daily ritual prayers, the Ramadan fast, giving of alms, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. You can do all these “works”, with a heart full of fear, pride, lust, etc. and still be considered a good Muslim.

So, in Chad as in other African Muslim countries, you have Muslim parents visiting the local witchdoctor (who doubles as Muslim cleric) to buy charms to tie onto their children to protect them from all sorts of dangers – sickness, death, evil spirits, etc. etc. The witchdoctor writes verses from the Qur’an on pieces of paper and sews them up in a leather pouch to be worn around the neck or waist by the kids. I’ve seen toddlers with 6 or 8 of these small pouches hanging around their neck. But not just kids, often adults will visit the witchdoctor for help getting pregnant, or cure for sickness, or protection from specific enemies, or just general protection from the “Evil Eye.” It’s not unusual to see and young man with these amulets tied around his upper arm. I heard the story the other day of a certain type of person who can control the locusts and will sometimes come to a farmer to demand money with threats of sending the locusts to eat his crop. For this specific problem, the witchdoctor will write verses from the Qur’an on a wooden board and then wash them off with water into a bowl. This water is then put in a bottle and sprinkled over the farmer’s field to protect it from locusts.

To my Western mind, this all seems ridiculous. My initial response is to dismiss it as ignorant nonsense. But I am rebuked by the Word, especially the Word made flesh, who lived in a society and culture not so different from the one we find ourselves in here in Chad. And Jesus didn’t dismiss the spiritual realm as “nonsense” or “nothing to be afraid of” but demonstrated his absolute power over it. He commanded demons to come out and they came out, and they went where he allowed them to go. Jesus liberated people from spiritual bondage and destroyed the strongholds of Satan. Jesus defeated fear by His power, and he still offers the same deliverance today by the power of the Gospel.

Pray for Chad. This is not a problem only for Muslims, but it continues to be a problem for the church in Chad as well. Fear can be a great temptation even for Christians when they forget that Jesus, who commands them not to fear (Matt. 10:28), has given them the power of the Holy Spirit to obey that commandment (John 14:26-27).

Here’s the article that spurred this post:


Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha is one of the two main holidays in the Muslim world (the other being the celebration of the end of the fasting month of Ramadan). Adha means “sacrifice” in Arabic, and this holiday celebrates the Islamic version of Abraham’s near-sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22). I asked several Muslim friends to explain to me the significance of this holiday for them. They believe that God called Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael (thought to be the father of the Arabs), and that at the last minute he provided a sheep in his place. If he hadn’t provided the sheep, then good Muslims would be required to sacrifice their own firstborn. But since God provided the sheep, they celebrate by slaughtering sheep. And the sheep must be at least a few years old, in good health, no injuries or blemishes, etc. Sound familiar?

Why must the sheep be “spotless”? I don’t know, and my Muslim friends don’t seem to know either. You see, Mohammed appropriated bits of the Old Testament story without a clear understanding of the meaning. The Qur’an includes bits from many of the biblical prophets, but without the redemptive thread. It’s just a bunch of stories and instructions with one overarching point – obey God and believe in Mohammed his prophet or go to Hell. You can’t know God, you can’t really love God, but you CAN and MUST fear and obey him. And on the Day of Judgement, if God wills he will send you to Heaven and if not he will send you to Hell. There is the idea of a set of scales, with good deeds on one side and bad deeds on the other. The hope is that the good deeds outweigh the bad, but know one knows.

I had a discussion with an Arab Muslim friend about assurance of salvation. I told him I know I am going to heaven, I have no doubt. The Bible offers that kind of assurance (read 1 John, especially 5:13!). But he said it’s impossible to know, and it’s arrogant to presume to know. “If God wills” could be the ultimate summary statement of Islam. And the god of Islam is an arbitrary god.

All that being said, this holiday is a time people look forward to. People buy new clothes, and over the 3 days of the holiday they visit family, friends and neighbors. Food is often shared around, and there are lots of sweets. Kids go around in groups from house to house to get candy and sweets (like some kind of Chadian Halloween without the costumes). The first day of celebration begins with mandatory prayers, and then the sheep (or sheeps, if you are wealthy enough) are slaughtered after proclaiming “Allah hu akbar” (“God is the greatest”) three times. Every bit of meat (including intestines, liver, stomach, etc.) is eaten – some grilled, some cooked over a fire in a sauce. And of course, afterwards there’s tea.

I visited my friend Abdou’s family this year, bringing Judah and Calla Grace. Kimberly stayed home with Isaac, who was sick. The picture above is in a room of his parents house where we sat and talked while the kids tried to finish off all of the candy, cookies and dates. The wood carving of Africa is a gift I had given Abdou a long time ago because he likes maps.

We stayed a couple of hours at Abdou’s parents’ house, talking, eating and walking around outside seeing how green the world has become during the rainy season. The kids especially enjoyed that part.


A Note on the “Christian” West

Nasraani (pl. nasaara) is what they call us here. Not just us, but anyone white from Europe or North America. It is a reference to Nazareth, as in Jesus of Nazareth. Essentially it means “Christian.” Let that sink in for a moment. The UN workers who come to Chad for humanitarian reasons, and who also drink alcohol and live generally worldly lives – “Christians.” The French military, in Chad for over a century now, who drink alcohol, eat pork, and visit not-so-reputable women – “Christians.” The people in movies produced by Hollywood – all “Christians.”

Something important to understand about Islam is that it’s not simply a religion, concerning itself with matters of faith. Islam is a culture, a political system, a religion – it’s a way of life. You are born into Islam (when your Father whispers the Muslim “shahada”, or testimony in your ear as a baby), you don’t choose it. And you don’t leave. There is no separation between church and state. Because of this, people who’ve grown up as Muslims assume that Christianity is the same way. And they look at the “Christian” West and see rampant immorality tolerated, even celebrated, and this is what they think being a Christian means. Of course many Muslims misunderstand the concept of the Trinity, assuming we are polytheists who’ve associated other creatures (Jesus, Mary) with the one God. But along with that they see the filth churned out by Hollywood, the immorality celebrated in western culture, the general cultural ignorance (not to mention immodesty) of Americans who travel abroad, and this is what Christianity is in their minds.

So what’s my point? Should we avoid the word “Christian” at all costs, as many in missions today suggest? I don’t think so. It’s a biblical word. It has 2000 years of history (although admittedly that also brings baggage). But we must work to distinguish the true from the false, and recover the original definition of the word from when it was first used at Antioch (Acts 11:26) – those who follow Jesus with all their hearts and consider it a great privilege to be associated with him and called by his name.

Meditation on Jeremiah 19:4

Because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known…

In contrast to their idols, the God of Israel is known. He is a person. He walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. He called Abraham and sent him to an unknown land, later promising to give the land to his descendants. He heard the cries of Abraham’s descendants in Egypt. He dwelt with Israel in the desert, through the cloud and fire. He battled the inhabitants of the Promised Land on behalf of Israel. And Judah (as well as Israel) turned away from this God to serve the Baals. What foolishness! Yet how foolish are we, even more so than the people of Judah, when we forsake Jesus, the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15), the one in whom all the fullness of God dwells bodily (Col2:9) to serve empty idols! We have the New Covenant fulfilled in Jesus, righteousness in exchange for our wickedness, salvation in exchange for condemnation, life in exchange for death. That God can be known, in Jesus, seems to many an unthinkable proposition. Muslims are not allowed to even entertain this possibility. God is the greatest? For sure. They say this 5 times per day every day. God is powerful? Of course, he wouldn’t be God if he wasn’t. God is sovereign? “God willed it” they agree in fatalistic acquiescence to sorrow and pain. But God is knowable? How can this be? God as loving Father? Impossible to believe. But some have. And many more are hearing.

Would you pray that God would grant belief and repentance to those who are hearing about his great love for them in Christ Jesus our Lord?



Month of Fasting

Our friends in Chad, as well as all Muslims around the world, are now in their most religious month of the Islamic calendar – Ramadan. This is a time for followers of Jesus – you and me – to pray fervently for God to work in the hearts and lives of many who are following a false religion and have a false sense of hope that their sins may be forgiven. This year, Ramadan will last from May 27 – June 25.

What is Ramadan?

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islamic faith. Ramadan is the holy month where all Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and feast in the evening and early morning hours. In addition to the other pillars, fasting is practiced in hopes that Allah will have pity on the Muslim and forgive him of his sins. Of course, as those who follow Jesus and the teaching of Scripture, we know that this is false hope. The only hope any of us has for forgiveness of sins is by faith alone in Jesus – apart from any works.

What does Ramadan look like in Chad?

I recently messaged a friend online to ask her if she was fasting. Her response to me was, “Yes, WE are fasting.” It is very much a communal practice. We have observed men and women who will not even swallow their own saliva (at least in public) in an effort to prove to others around them that they are following the rules perfectly. We hear stories of people who secretly “cheat,” but we haven’t seen this firsthand. We know pregnant women and nursing mothers who choose to fast during Ramadan, because otherwise they must make up the 30 days of fasting during the rest of the year on their own. Despite the difficulties this creates for the unborn or young child, it is easier for the mother to fast while everyone around them is doing it.

How can we pray during Ramadan?

  • Pray for the very few believers in our town who will not be fasting, but will experience much scrutiny, shame, and even persecution (name-calling, etc.) Ask God to strengthen their faith and unity among one another.
  • Pray for those who are genuinely seeking for Truth to feel the emptiness of this fast. Pray that they would long for a Savior that can take away their sins once and for all.
  • Pray for the health of those who are fasting – temperatures are soaring above 100 degrees F these days and many will suffer from not drinking or eating during the day.

“I Believe Jesus is Truth”

Thank you for praying for M., my language helper. In recent weeks, we have had some wonderful conversations and I see God answering our prayers for her!

We are still going through the Jesus Storybook Bible, and we are nearing the end. Last week, M was confronted with the deity of Jesus as we translated and discussed the story of Him calming the storm. It provided an opportunity for her to open up to me and share that she loves what she is learning about Jesus. She said she wants to believe in who the Bible says He is and “join” us but recognizes it means leaving her family’s teaching behind. I shared some more Scripture with her over the days following that conversation, prayed with her, and encouraged her.

Again today, I had another opportunity to talk to her, and she says that she believes what she is learning about Jesus is true and that His claim that He can forgive sins is true. Again, she expressed that she is scared to tell her family and I reassured her that her work for now is to search the Scriptures and believe what is true. We talked about how this belief will change her heart and her life and what that might look like.

Pray for God to give M faith to believe beyond a doubt. Pray for her to feel convicted of her sinfulness and to fall more in love with this Savior! Pray also that she will desire to read/hear/study the Word of God more fully and desire to meet with others who follow Jesus. Pray that her heart will be like the good soil of Matthew 13, producing much fruit.

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