Isaac went visiting for “Eid” (the holiday celebrating the end of the fasting month) this week and had many opportunities to greet Chadian friends. He came home and told me he wants to learn Arabic “faster” because he doesn’t always know how to respond when people talk to him.

I am encouraged by his desire to know more Arabic! When we arrived in Chad over 1 1/2 years ago, Isaac and Judah would look down at their feet if someone greeted them. After having a weekly children’s class with their English-speaking friends for the past year, they have learned basic greetings, actions, and some vocabulary. It has been a great boost for their confidence in speaking and interacting in the language; but, clearly, they need more.

Starting next week, we will let Isaac (and possibly Judah) have a short lesson for 15-20 minutes three times a week with my language helper after his school time with me and before I start my lessons. Hopefully, he will enjoy this time and be motivated to continue learning more and more!!