our family's adventures in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

Crazy Few Months…

We knew we hadn’t blogged in awhile, but has it really been three months? So much has happened, so many things we’ve wanted to share, but life has been a bit crazy. We’ve traveled as a team to a town several hours south to explore ministry opportunities, we’ve celebrated Calla Grace’s one year birthday, we’ve seen off one teammate (Danielle) and welcomed back others (Keith, Tricia and kids). We’ve had some ups, some downs, and lots of just plugging along seeking to learn language and better understand how to share the gospel with these precious people.

Hopefully now we can make some time to share some of what God is doing out here in the East.

may Christ be exalted,

Josh & Kimberly


Medical Clinics


Home, Sweet Home

1 Comment

  1. Donna Nix

    I am lifting you all up during this special season. It must be hard to be away from home. Love, Joy, & Peace,

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