Audrey Assad has some great song lyrics and some of my current favorites are from a song entitled “Little Things With Great Love:

“In the garden of our Savior

No flower grows unseen

His kindness rains like water

On every humble seed

No simple act of mercy

Escapes His watchful eye

For there is One who sees me

His hand is over mine.”

Washing dishes. Fixing broken water-well parts. Serving tea and dates. Hand-washing laundry. Sitting with a mother who just delivered a baby. Taking eye drops to an elderly woman. Reading a story to my kids. Taking an extra minute to pray for a poor woman with no family. Driving people to another town to attend a funeral. Helping a neighbor pound her millet.

In the village, a lot of our family’s “little things” look different than normal. But regardless of where we find ourselves, we all have opportunities each moment to do these little, insignificant things with great love. And sometimes, that makes all the difference.