We are back home in our town and excited to continue in language learning so we can deepen relationships here as well as make new friends. I was visiting with one friend yesterday who has been severely wronged, but who has also made sinful choices and is seeing some immediate consequences of those choices. It is painful to walk alongside someone who has no frame of reference for the kind of forgiveness that God in Christ offers us or for the kind of forgiveness He expects us to have for others. How do I talk to someone about Jesus teaching to forgive 70×7 when they have yet to accept God’s forgiveness for their own sins? I have a renewed sense of sadness for my friends here who are living in hopeless situations apart from God. How do they even want to continue? I am burdened even more to pray that the truths that we share would take root in the hearts of our friends here and transform their lives, families, and communities. Will you pray with me in this new year that we would be purposeful to speak of truth, hope, and forgiveness to our friends here and that many would believe and turn from their sins?