our family's adventures in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

Category: Garden

Garden update

With the rains in full-swing, our garden is growing nicely. Zucchini, corn, beans and melons. We’ll see what actually produces anything, but the plants sure are coming up nicely. The ground here is so sandy and rocky, but we’ve added some manure and compost and it seems to be doing well. If nothing else there’s a lot more green to look at now! We also planted two ficus and 3 moringa trees, you can see them in the picture on the right below. Both are native to the Sahel region of Africa, where we live.

Our Garden

Having never really owned a plant myself (other than the venus fly trap I killed because it was cool watching it close on my pencil eraser), I am happy to report that we have the beginnings of a garden. A few zucchini plants, watermelon, spinach, and something called muskmelon that looks suspiciously like cantaloupe on the picture on the seed packet. We bought a bunch of seeds before coming to Chad in 2014, and the beginning of our second rainy season here seemed like a great time to give them a go. And despite my personal inexperience, I have had a little training a couple of years ago that included food production in arid climates. So with my trainer on speed dial (or speed email?), we watch and water with eager anticipation.


Our first zucchini sprout!




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