our family's adventures in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

Category: Chad

Chad Trip Highlights

I had a fantastic trip to Chad from January 27th to February 3rd. The purpose of the trip was to visit a town in eastern Chad where we are considering moving shortly after our arrival this Fall. Since many people have asked about the trip, I thought I would post a summary of our activities to give you a better idea of what it was like.

Sunday, January 26th

I left the house around 6AM Sunday morning and took a 3 hour train ride to Paris. I flew out of Paris in the late afternoon and arrived in Chad that evening around 10PM. Same time zone!! My other trips to Africa have started in the States, which makes for killer jetlag after changing 5-6 time zones. Spent the night with a friend and fellow team leader in N’Djamena.

Monday, January 27th

Met in the morning with a family working in the north. Wow, wish I could share more about their situation. Amazing perseverance.

Spent the afternoon having tea with some African church planters hearing about their work and their needs. These guys train church leaders among the Christian church in Chad to reach out to their Muslim neighbors with the Gospel. Very encouraging. One of them from West Africa is the son of a very high ranking Muslim leader, and has lost all contact with his family since he followed Jesus. There was a sadness in his voice as he told us his story, but he serves the Lord with great joy and excitement, leaving his family for months at a time to train church leadership in Chad.

Tuesday, January 28th

12 hour bus ride from N’Djamena to Abéché. Long day, thankful for air conditioning on the bus.

Wednesday, January 29th

Spent the night at the WEC guest house. WEC is a mission organization founded in 1913 by CT Studd. They have been in Chad for at least 50 years.

Spent the day meeting with a couple from our organization who live in Abéché. Enjoyed fellowship with them, and they took us to see the market, various neighborhoods, the sultan’s palace (along with his pet ostrich that sticks its head over the wall when you drive by), and the area just outside of town where bricks are made. Talk about hot work!! WP_20140130_010

Thursday, January 30th

Visited the WEC Education Center where they teach English and basic computers classes.

We had tea in the afternoon with a lady who has been doing translation work in Chad for 20 years. She’s done many language surveys among various people groups and worked on literacy programs. She speaks Arabic and one of the tribal languages fluently, having lived in a village for a few years.

Had dinner Thursday evening with an American family from a different organization that has been in Chad less than a year. Great time of fellowship and learning from their recent experiences.

Friday, January 31st

Met with another family recently arrived in Chad. They arrived when their youngest child was 2 months old! I was able to talk with the husband about solar power, buying a vehicle and other practical matters that we’ll be facing before too long.

Visited a Chadian association that provides a place for street boys to come a few times a week and have a meal, wash clothes, learn skills,etc. There are many street boys in Abéché who have no family, little or no education, and no one to help them.


The leadership of the association. Go Colts!


Saturday, February 1st

12 hour bus ride back to N’Djamena. The bus had TV screens that featured a wide variety of programming: Sudanese music concerts, WWE professional wrestling, Jackie Chan movie in Chinese. The Chadians especially liked the wrestling. Not one of my proudest moments to be an American.

Sunday, February 2nd

Back in N’Djamena, I treated my hosts to a meal at a Lebanese Restaurant before catching a flight back to Paris at 11:55PM.


Monday, February 3rd

Back in Paris around 5AM. Caught a train back to Albertville, home around lunchtime.

Destination: Chad (by way of France)

Well, after a crazy 6 months of having our plans to go to another African country upended we have decided to go to Chad. We will spend a year or so in France, just outside of Paris, learning French before heading to N’djamena, the capital of Chad.

We are excited to have a new direction after the disappointment of the last several months. We have been praying and discussing the possibilities with each other, our church, and our wise mentors within our organization. Chad will be a very difficult place to live but there are so many opportunities for work!!

His grace is always sufficient to accomplish his work.


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