Eight years ago, while attending a Perspectives on World Christian Movements class, a man from Wycliffe Bible Translators passed out cards to each student in the class and we committed to praying for the people group written on the card until they had the Scriptures translated into their language. I kept my yellow card in my Bible and prayed for the Gabri people in Chad fairly regularly over the following six years. At that time, Chad was a distant, foreign land to me. I had no personal connection to it and couldn’t even imagine what the Gabri people looked like. Two years ago, I received an email from Wycliffe thanking me for my prayers and informing me that the Scripture translation was now complete. Praise God! Now, the Gabri could read God’s Word in their language! Two days ago, my house helper Christine came for the first time. I asked her (in French) what her people group was. Guess what it is?! Gabri! I shared my story with her of how I prayed for six years for her people to have the Scripture in their language and how neat it was that God has allowed me to meet someone from this very tribe. It made the prayers that, at the time, seemed very impersonal just come alive for me as I had the opportunity to see prayers answered. Thank you for faithfully praying for us even though you have not seen or experienced Chad. My prayer is that one day you will look back on what God does and be able to rejoice, saying, “Hey! God did a great thing in Chad and he allowed me to be a part of it!”
(Folks at FBC Liberty City, notice the shirt she is wearing in the photo – she asked to borrow a shirt that day because she forgot to bring her work clothes. Your shirt was the first one I found and I just had to sneak a picture of it on her 